ZMO News |
Tuesday, 2 April 2019 | |
3 April, 6pm, ZMO, Kirchweg 33, 14129 Berlin Muslim Cosmopolitanism and the Writing of World History Keynote lecture by Prof Seema Alavi (Delhi University) as part of the conference "Claiming and Making Muslim Worlds: Across and Between the Local and the Global" (3-5 April at ZMO)
Muslims were central to the intellectual project of creating the “modern” world. Indeed their lives offer an interesting entry point in decentering the conceptual eurocentrism that underlines world history. This keynote lecture will focus on one Indian Muslim subject – Imdadullah Makki – who was representative of a class of typical Mughal gentlemen legatees. The talk highlights the ways in which Indian Muslim ‘runaways’ like Imdadullah carved a Muslim cosmopolitanism at the cusp of the British and Ottoman Empires; and examines the possibility of using cosmopolitanism as an analytical category to write world history. Finally the lecture will dwell on the tension between elite and social histories and suggest possible ways to make the writing of world history more embracive and accommodating of people and communities that have hitherto remained beyond its reach.
4. April, 18 Uhr, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Raum Hannover, Chausseestraße 111, 10115 Berlin Was sind muslimische Welten?Fragen an den globalen Norden Podiumsdiskussion
Der Islam ist in Europa historisch wie heute ein prominenter Ge- genstand der öffent-lichen Auseinander-setzung. In Zeitungen, den sozialen Medien und auf der politischen Bühne vergeht kaum ein Tag, an dem nicht über „die Muslime“ und ihre Herkunftsregionen diskutiert wird. Aber wie entstehen Islambilder? Gibt es „eine islamische Welt“? Und auf wessen Aussagen ist Verlass im Zeitalter von fake news und fake research? Wie positionieren wir uns als kritische Journalist*innen, kritische Wissenschaft-ler*innen und kritische Öffentlichkeit? Diese und weitere Fragen diskutiert das Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) am 4. April mit seinen Gästen und Ihnen. Auf dem Podium zu Gast sein werden Charlotte Wiedemann (freie Journalistin, Berlin), Prof. Mamadou Diawara (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Prof. Claudia Derichs (Philipps-Universität Marburg) und Prof. Bekim Agai (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt). Moderiert wird die Veranstaltung von Prof. Ulrike Freitag (ZMO).
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3-10 April 2019, Berlin 10th Alfilm - Arab Film Festival Berlin
Throughout eight days, Alfilm is going to present more than 20 artistically and thematically outstanding films from the Arab World. Among them films from Morocco, Egypt, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. On Saturday, 6 April, there will also be a party at ACUD. ALFILM is organized by the association makan – Center for Arab Film, Arts and Culture. As one of their partners, ZMO is happy to announce the festival here.
11 April, 2pm, ZMO, Kirchweg 33, 14129 Berlin Human Rights in North Africa after the Arab Uprisings: Challenges and Prospects Work-In-Progress Talk by Dr. Melek Saral (SOAS School of Law)
The popular uprisings in the Middle East and North African (MENA) region, which started in Tunisia in December 2010 and spread across region, were mainly driven by the failure of the state to respect, protect and ensure human rights. This presentation looks at human rights developments in three major North African countries undergoing transition through the course of uprisings, namely Tunisia, Egypt and Morocco. By addressing the legal and institutional reforms, it covers the challenges and opportunities of human rights protection that these countries face during the transitional process.
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29 April - 3 June, 6.15pm, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Invalidenstraße 118, 10115 Berlin Why Do Elections Matter? Analyzing the 2019 Elections in Indonesia, India, Tunisia and Turkey Lecture Series
In this lecture series, country specialists analyse this year’s elections in Indonesia, India, Tunisia, and Turkey. With a special focus on religion and on populism, scholars of different disciplines discuss the various competing actors and the circumstances of the elections. How do this year’s elections relate to these countries’ trajectories, and what do they tell us about the state of democracy worldwide? The first lecture will be held on Monday, 29 April by Dr. Gülay Türkmen (University of Göttingen) on "The Local Elections in Turkey".
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Position als studentische Hilfskraft für Prof. Dr. Kai Kresse Bewerbungsschluss: 1. Mai 2019
Die Stelle ist ab dem 1.7.2019 für 40 Stunden im Monat zu besetzen. Vorgesehene Tätigkeiten sind unter anderem organisatorische und inhaltliche Unterstützung von Forschungsprojekten, Literaturrecherche und editorische Hilfsarbeiten.
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SAZ A Musical Journey by Stephan Talneau with ZMO-Alumni Petra Nachtmanova
Nobody remembers how it started: but since more than 2000 years, from the east regions of China to the middle of Europe, at the villages’ campfires to internet's youtube today, people are sharing and transmitting their stories and sorrows with one instrument: the Saz. In a personal quest for meaning, Petra Nachtmanova travelled for weeks on the roads from Berlin, through Anatolia, all the way to Khorassan in search of the origins of this string instrument. The film is having its premiere in Germany on 11 April at Radialsystem in Berlin.
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Nitin Sinha A glimpse into the past of domestic service in India
Domestic service was an important category of labour and social relationships in early modern and colonial India, yet it has been relatively neglected in research. EU Research spoke to Dr Nitin Sinha (ZMO), Dr Nitin Varma, Sourav Kumar Mahanta and Vidhya Raveendranathan about the work of the DOS project in investigating the master-servant relationship historically, and clarifying its importance for wider social and labour histories.
EU Research, Winter 2018/19 |
Book Review by Tsjalling Wierdsma The Social Life of Memory: Violence, Trauma, and Testimony in Lebanon and Morocco
The Social Life of Memory: Violence, Trauma, and Testimony in Lebanon and Morocco, edited by Norman Saadi Nikro and Sonja Hegasy (both ZMO), is part of the larger Palgrave Studies in Cultural Heritage and Conflict Series, which focuses on themes such as heritage and memory of war and conflict, contested heritage, and competing memories. "The interaction and the contradictions between the different chapters is one of the book’s largest strengths. Instead of taking away from the individual arguments, these contradictions work to show the many nuances and contradictions attached to institutions, spaces, and milieus of memory, when approached from different levels of analysis and with different focus points", writes Wierdsma.
Observing memories, 2, November 2018 | |
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